Commit to be fit!

I’ve seen photos, on Instagram, Magazines, etc, and thought “I want to look like that!” or “I want to be able to do that!”

Post baby #3, I feel like I’ve had a more challenging time getting the baby weight off. My husband insists that I go through this ‘phase’ of being unhappy with myself, and feeling like I’m not making progress after each pregnancy. Since he told me this, I went out to prove  him wrong. (Naturally, right?) Flipping through photos of times after all my boys were born, I slowly started remembering that I didn’t want to be in photos. None of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit. My phone, camera, and our photo albums are filled with happy, smiling babies, and proud siblings, but none of my postpartum physique.

Some of the photos I did find:

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Believe it or not, I found these photos super encouraging. This was 1.5 years after baby #2.
I had not started working out until a few months before my sons 1st birthday,which was when my husband deployed. This was my progress in the year he was gone.
For me, it’s more encouraging and motivating to see myself in this shape. It reminds me that I can do it. I can get back to being fit, flexible, and feel better about myself. Could I get in better shape than this- Of course! But instead of having my goals set on how other people look and what other people can do, I’m challenging myself to get back to where I was.
I know I can do it. I’ve done it before.
I’m more motivated now, and have been reminded (although Jordan reminds me whenever I complain..) that my goals are obtainable, but they don’t happen over night.
It takes hard work, consistency, and determination.

I’m committed. Are you?

Body after baby

Before and after baby #1, I didn’t have to do anything really to stay (and return) back to my “normal” size. I wasn’t that into eating healthy, or fitness and was just naturally small.When I was 16 weeks pregnant with baby #2 I ran my first 10k, and after he was born picked up crossfit. I worked hard while my husband was deployed (really just because I needed to have an insanely packed schedule) to get into shape.

It’s now been four months after baby #3, and I feel like getting back into shape is so far away. I’ve been taking cycling, lifting weights again, doing some running, and try to do 2-3 days a week of yoga.  I’ve been eating much healthier (mostly clean), and keeping a journal of what I’m eating through out the day. Yet, I can only fit into two of my pre-pregnancy pants (the “fat day” pants!) and this tummy is not going away.
My husband says that I worried about it, and said the same things after baby #2. He reminds me that it takes time, and that I am making progress regardless of whether it’s as quickly as I want.

The photo on the right was 37 weeks pregnant, and the photo on the left was 6 weeks postpartum)

I know that I’m making progress, it’s just not as quickly as I was hoping. And , I guess I have an unrealistic dream of jumping right back into one of my twenty pairs of size 2 jeans before leaving the hospital with my little newborn bundle of joy. I just stick to it everyday. Keep eating healthy,and keep working hard.  I signed up for my second tough mudder at the end of September, so although one of my final goals is to get back into all my pre-pregnancy clothes, it’s important to me to build strength and endurance before this race.

I’ve found that taking measurements of myself monthly help with my motivation!
Any moms have other helpful motivation tips/tricks??

Not your average “Mommy Blog”

So, why a blog?
Well, I’m a real mom, with real struggles, real ideas, and real goals. I try to balance life as a SAHM to three energetic, boys 5 and under, getting more physically fit, keeping our new home from looking like a bomb exploded (even through renovations!) and stick to clean eating… all while trying to consume enough Starbucks macchiatos to keep me awake. I want to remember every bit of my parenthood journey, and my fitness journey. I want to share different strengths and struggles with you. Also, the input from readers is helpful, and motivating! Enjoy….!